Rivers of Hope:

Moving from the Desert of Despair
to the Valley of Gratitude

In these chapters, I will share some of my life with you. A substantial part of it really. I will share some lows and some highs. I have seen the wilderness. I have walked through it. Some of you are walking through it right now. Some of you don’t know where to turn. Some of you are going through the motions… Please don’t give up. Hang in there. Don’t lose hope. There are sunny days to come. This wilderness season, however long, will not last forever. Where is your hope? Who is your hope in? I hope to show you from my story of perseverance and faith, that God never let me go. He was faithful when I was at my lowest.

Hearing God By Choosing Gratitude:

Learn How to Overcome Five Roadblocks to Daily Gratitude.

In this e-book, we will explore how cultivating a heart of gratitude can deepen your connection with God. Many of us face daily roadblocks that hinder us from experiencing gratitude, yet gratitude is key to hearing God’s voice more clearly. Together, we will identify five common obstacles to living with gratitude and discover practical ways to overcome them. By choosing gratitude, you will not only transform your perspective but also open your heart to God’s presence, peace, and blessings in your life.

The Change:

Insights Into Self Improvement

*The Change* is a transformative book featuring powerful insights from 20 inspiring co-authors who share stories of resilience, growth, and personal discovery. With a foreword by renowned motivational speaker Les Brown and visionary publishers Jim Britt and Jim Lutes, this collection takes readers on a journey to ignite change in every area of their lives. Each chapter offers thought-provoking lessons, reminding us that our challenges don’t define us—they shape us.